Andrew’s Class: ScrollPane + Time Fail

Have been working and working on my GunGirl interface šŸ™‚

(me and my bad time management. Again šŸ˜€ …I am looking forward to starting afresh next semester!! Whoo!!)

Anyways, since there’s a lot of robots and robot info to put into one page, I wanted to have a scroll feature so that everything could fit.

So I went about trying to figure out how to do it. On hindsight, this was probably a very unwise thing to do as I’ve spent 2+ hours on this one thing. Current GunGirl status – 1 animation, no sounds, no vectorized GunDude and Scythe, no weapons…due tomorrow noon. Current status for 1970s fashion presentation that’s due tomorrow afternoon? Please don’t ask.

And it’s past midnight. See what I mean? I’ve got laugh at myself again for being so stupid. Getting caught up in a detail which is not even required by the brief and neglecting everything else which NEEDS to be done LOL

Well, I found out that what I want to do requires a ‘ScrollPane’. After searching around, I found a helpful youtube tutorial on making the scrollpane.

I made a new document and followed the video, using the image I want to use for my robot page.

It worked! So happy.

Unfortunately I can’t add it to the post. Well, at least, I think I can’t šŸ™‚ Don’t know how to do it.

Then I went about doing the same thing in my actual webpage. Well, it didn’t work. šŸ˜¦ As far as I can see, I did everything right. But when I preview, everything I’ve coded works except for the scrollpane, which comes up blank.


Ah well, I still learned something. Just need to know how to use it in an actual project!!!

I’ll see if Andrew knows how to do it. Else I’ll just add more tabs, and more tabs, and more tabs…….

Well, better get back to completing the brief requirements and getting onto the powerpoint!!

Tonight (or this morning, rather!) will potentially be my first all-nighter. Hope not but it just might be.

That’s it for now.

From the amazingly-talented-at-getting-distracted-&-seriously-misjudging-time,

Tafe blog signature


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